4th Birthday Interview

My older son turned 4 this past weekend! I’m still blown away by the fact that four years have passed since I became a mother. Seriously, where does the time go? Parenthood is such a wild ride full of love, laughter, questions, anxiety, learning, excitement, craziness, hugs and slobbery kisses from little people.

Over the past year, my son has formed some strong opinions, like and dislikes. I thought it would be fun to ask him a few questions, and he loved being interviewed (he wanted me to ask him more and more questions but eventually gave up in search of food. whew.). Some of his answers were so predictable, others were totally unexpected and I couldn’t help but laugh. Here they are, straight from the mouth and mind of my 4-year-old boy during his birthday interview:

  1. favorite color: blue
  2. favorite toy: fire truck
  3. favorite thing about his brother: when he pees in the potty, when he is nice to me and when he wears underpants
  4. favorite tv show or movie: curious george at the zoo
  5. favorite food: gold fish and pretzels
  6. favorite outfit: superman + batman shirts
  7. favorite sport: baseball
  8. place he wants to visit for vacation: maine
  9. favorite animal: monkey
  10. favorite song: alle meine entchen
  11. favorite book: fire truck book
  12. best friend: william, bobby, jillian, claire, niko
  13. favorite cereal: puffs
  14. favorite drink: orange juice
  15. favorite thing to do with friends: play
  16. what his father does at work: work, come home
  17. something he’s really good at: swinging on the swing
  18. favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate
  19. biggest hero: batman
  20. what he wants to be when he grows up: a worker man [=construction worker] to drive the dump truck

Happy birthday to my sweet and wild child. I love him more than words can say.

birthday interview photo

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I'm based in Washington, D.C., and love to travel with family and friends.

